

MangaYu-Gi-Oh!Cardfight!! Vanguard
Single Cards
DZ05 Omniscient AwakeningDZ04 Destined ShowdownDZ03 Dimensional TranscendenceDZ02 Illusionless StrifeDLZ1 Lyrical Monasterio Sparkling Stars!DZ01 Fated ClashDB13 Flight of ChakrabarthiDB12 Evenfall OnslaughtDB11 Clash of the HeroesDB10 Dragon MasqueradeDB09 Dragontree InvasionDB08 Minerva RisingDB07 Raging Flames Against Emerald StormDB06 Blazing Dragon Reborn DB05 Triumphant Return of the Brave HeroesDB04 Awakening of Chakrabarthi DB03 Advance of Intertwined StarsDB02 A Brush with the Legends DB01 Genesis of the Five GreatsDLB4 Lyrical Monasterio Trick or Trick!DLB3 Lyrical Monasterio Summertime MemoriesDLB2 Lyrical MonasterioDLB1 Lyrical MelodyVB12 Divine Lightning RadianceVB11 Storm of the Blue CavalryVB10 Phantom Dragon AeonVB09 Butterfly dMoonlightVB08 Silverdust BlazeVB07 Infinideity CradleVB06 Phantasmal Steed RestorationVB05 Aerial Steed LiberationVB04 Vilest! DeletorVB03 Miyaji Academy Cardfight ClubVB02 Strongest! Team AL4VB01 Unite! Team Q4GB14 Divine Dragon ApocryphaGB13 Ultimate StrideGB12 Dragon Kings AwakeningGB11 Demonic AdventGB10 Raging Clash of the Blade FangsGB09 Divine Dragon CaperGB08 Absolute JudgmentGB07 Glorious Bravery of Radiant SwordGB06 Transcension of Blade & BlossomGB05 Moonlit DragonfangGB04 Soul StrikeGB03 Sovereign Star DragonGB02 Soaring Ascent of Gale & BlossomGEB2 The Awakening ZooGB01 Generation StrideGEB1 Cosmic RoarBT17 Blazing Perdition ver.EBT16 Legion of Dragons & Blades ver.EBT15 Infinite RebirthBT14 Brilliant StrikeBT13 Catastrophic OutbreakBT12 Binding Force of the Black RingsBT11 Seal Dragons UnleashedBT10 Triumphant Return of the King of KnightsBT09 Clash of the Knights & DragonsBT08 Blue Storm ArmadaBT07 Rampage of the Beast KingBT06 Breaker of LimitsBT05 Awakening of Twin BladesBT04 Eclipse of Illusionary ShadowsBT03 Demonic Lord InvasionBT02 Onslaught of Dragon SoulsBT01 Descent of the King of KnightsEB12 Waltz of the GoddessEB11 Requiem at DuskEB10 Divas DuetEB09 Divine Dragon ProgressionEB08 Champions of the CosmosEB07 Mystical MagusEB06 Dazzling DivasEB05 Celestial ValkyriesEB04 Infinite Phantom LegionEB03 Cavalry of Black SteelEB02 Banquet of DivasEB01 Comic Style
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Summit Flare Dragon

Englisch | Unlimitiert | FFR

Summit Flare Dragon 

Summit Flare Dragon

Englisch | Unlimitiert


Omniscient Awakening






Card Type:
Normal Unit

Dragon Empire


:If your G zone has no cards, this card gets all of the following.

(Hand):If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, COST [discard this card & put a total of two cards from soul or drop that were in the ride deck into ride deck face up], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 or greater card with a different card name from your vanguard from among them, reveal it and put it into hand, and shuffle the deck. If you did not reveal a card, put this card into hand.

:When this unit is put on , if your opponent's drop has four or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle. If your opponent's G zone has a card, COST [bind a grade 3 or greater card from soul or drop], and this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.

29,90 EUR

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